Saturday, July 26, 2008

Monday, June 16, 2008

Why Chinese shouldn't have Christian names

Why Chinese shouldn't have Christian names

Try reading in Mandarin:

Anne Chang-Dirty

Anne Chin- Keep quiet

Faye Chen- Dusty

Jane Tan- Frying eggs

Henry Mah- Hate your mum

Paul Chan- Bankrupt

Nelson Tan- Bird laying eggs

Try reading in Hokkien:

Carl Cheng- Buttock

Monica Cheng- Touching your buttocks

Lucy Leow- You are dead

Lucy Seow - You are mad

Suzie Leow- Lose (money) till death

Corrine Tai- Poor fellow

Carmen Tng- Leg hair long

Rosie Teng- Screws and nails

Pete Tsai- Nose droppings

Try reading in Cantonese:

Macy Koh- Never die before

Lynn Tai - Big breast

Faith Chee - Fat pig

Saturday, May 31, 2008

MAHATHIR This is a new acronymn...

Subject: MAHATHIR This is a new acronymn...

MAHATHIR stands for:


Tuesday, April 08, 2008

New car

I oledi order a new car!
wanna c my new car!

But i order ......
in my dream lah....
ha ha!

Wednesday, February 27, 2008

time 2 say Ouuuuuuuuuuch !!

time 2 say Ouuuuuuuuuuch !!

I really admire the timing in which they were captured..:

Thursday, January 17, 2008

7 qualitise of a good leader

Dr M: 7 qualities of a good leader

· A good leader may not be humble but at least he should not be boastful
· He must be prepared to accept responsibilities but should not be too pushy and insist on taking the lead
· He should not seek to blame others for failures but to admit his own culpability. He should not point fingers or seek scapegoats
· He should be modest and not seek praise and glory
· He should know how to handle his followers as much as his superiors.He must be sensitive to the sensitivities of others
· He should be willing to do what he expects others to do. He should uphold the slogan of ‘Leadership by example’
· He should be learned and more intelligent at least in comparison to the people he leads